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Sledding & Ice Skating

Away from the slopes, there are many opportunities to fully enjoy the winter. Try a sledding run and make tracks on the ice with your skates.

Bild zeigt Familie beim Rodeln
Bild zeigt Rodeln
Naturrodelbahn "Aeroplan"

Weinetsberg 41
5630 Bad Hofgastein
Voranmeldung unter Tel.: +43 (0)6432 8603
Bild zeigt Rodel
Rodelbahn "Bellevue Alm"

Tag- & Nachtrodeln
Bellevue Alm Weg 4
5640 Bad Gastein
Tel.: +43 (0)699 18288802

If you'd like to venture onto the ice, you have the opportunity near the hotel on the spa promenade. Or you can try the rink in Bad Gastein when the temperatures have produced good natural ice.
Bild zeigt Kind beim Eislaufen
Eisarena Bad Hofgastein

über 1000m² Eis
Verleih der Ausrüstung
Kurpromenade 2
5630 Bad Hofgastein

Bild zeigt Eislaufschuhe
Natureislaufplatz Bad Gastein

Verleih der Ausrüstung
5640 Bad Gastein

Bild zeigt Hundeschlittenfahrt

Dog Sledding

Experience a special tour as part of a Husky Adventure Day. You’ll care for and feed the dogs and enjoy a brisk dog sled ride.

Termine und Information Tel. +43 (0)664 529 35 89

The Summit Breakfast

An experience at 2700 meters altitude

You start in Sportgastein and take the Goldbergbahn to the Kreuzkogel. There you’ll have breakfast in the glass-aluminum dome designed by the famous Austrian architect and designer Gerhard Garstenauer at an altitude of 2700 meters.

Over freshly brewed coffee, muesli, and pastries from the regional bakery, you’ll enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of over 400 majestic mountain peaks in the High Tauern.
Reservations at our reception or directly at

Bild zeigt Glas-Aluminium-Kuppel Kreuzkogel
Bild zeigt Flying Waters Bad Gastein

High up

A special way to experience the refreshing water of the Gastein Valley is a ride over the waterfall in Bad Gastein with Flying Waters.

Flying Waters

Kaiser Franz-Josef Straße 16
5640 Bad Gastein
Tel. +43 (0)670 400 23 50

Tandem Paragliding Flight

If you want to experience the feeling of flying even more authentically, then contact Lois Grugger. During a tandem paragliding flight, you’ll explore the Gastein Valley from above.

+43 (0)664 42 32 322

Bild zeigt Paragleit Flug